About Dr. Marcus Peter

    Dr. Marcus Peter spent many years as a militant atheist before encountering a life-changing conversion experience in Jesus Christ in 2008. That day, the Holy Spirit set afire his heart for the fullness of truth of Jesus Christ, and to boldly and dynamically preach that truth to all who are hungry for it. From there, he was with the Assemblies of God community as a praise leader and itinerant preacher for two years; espousing an anti-Catholic view of the faith.

Dr. Marcus Peter - Catholic Speaker, Biblical Theologian, and Author
Dr. Marcus Peter on the set of Unveiling the Covenants

    Through a consistent and prayerful study of Scripture, the fathers, theology, philosophy, and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he found his way back to the Church and returned home in full communion in 2010. Described as having a fiery zeal for the Gospel, he has shared this story across the world via numerous platforms, including on tv, radio, and online.

Since then, through the guidance and call of God, Dr. Peter has given over ten thousand talks across the world on the Faith, always with boldness, sincerity, and the exuberance of one who has encountered the transformative power of the love of God. 

Dr. Marcus Peter - Catholic Speaker, Biblical Theologian, Author
Dr. Marcus Peter regularly speaks at apostolate, parish, and diocesan events

    Dr. Peter diligently pursued studies in the Faith. He studied philosophy and Alphonsian Spirituality in seminary in 2014. He received a master’s degree in systematic theology from Ave Maria University in 2018. Most recently, he holds a doctorate in biblical studies from Pontifex University (2024) and is constantly working on studying the faith deeper.

    As Director of Theology for Ave Maria Radio and the Kresta Institute, Dr. Peter’s goal in the apostolate is to bring the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church to the ends of the earth.

Dr. Marcus Peter - Catholic Speaker, Biblical Theologian, Author
Dr. Marcus Peter and Fr. Mitch Pacwa on EWTN Live

He is the host of the daily international radio program, Ave Maria in the Afternoon, produced by EWTN and Ave Maria Radio, which focuses on applying Scripture to the world’s culture. He also hosts Unveiling the Covenants, a radio/tv program produced by Ave Maria Radio that explores the covenantal love of God the Father in Scripture.

Dr. Marcus Peter Catholic Speaker, Biblical Theologian, Author

He is also a frequent guest on Radio and TV Programs where he teaches and preaches the fullness of the Catholic faith; He is most prominently featured on Ave Maria Radio and the EWTN Global Catholic Network.

Deacon Harold Burke Sivers and Dr. Marcus Peter on EWTN Radio together.

A renowned and sought after international speaker, Dr. Peter seeks to go wherever the Spirit leads to proclaim the saving and transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ to all souls who are hungry for this message.

Dr. Marcus Peter - Catholic Speaker, biblical Theologian
Click to Invite Dr. Peter to Speak

Dr. Peter lives with his darling bride, Stephanie, and their beloved children in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He plays music, does martial arts, sketches, and reads in his free time. He is also a full member of the Catholic Biblical Association.

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Dr. Marcus B. Peter is a dynamic speaker, author, & radio/TV host who has spread the Gospel message across the world since 2008. His life's mission is to proclaim God's love in Scripture in a powerful way to all facets of our life in the world.


Dr. Marcus Benedict Peter is a Catholic biblical theologian, apologist, & preacher who has spoken & written prolifically worldwide since 2008. His work revolves around drawing souls deeper in love of Christ through Scripture & the covenants.