TV Show

Dr. Marcus Peter: Host of Unveiling the Covenants, Catholic Bible Scripture Program
Dr. Marcus Peter hosts Unveiling the Covenants

Dr. Marcus Peter hosts Unveiling the Covenants, a TV program that focuses on the infinite, covenantal love of God the Father in the pages of the Bible. With each episode, Dr. Peter unpacks the wondrous mystery of how we belong entirely to God and how receiving God’s selfless outpouring of love transforms our entire life. Have you been wondering why there are obstacles in your life, and why you’re not seeing divine breakthrough in your life? This is the program for you!

Watch Video episodes of Unveiling the Covenants here:

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Full Playlist of TV Episodes

“When I first heard about Unveiling the Covenants, I thought it would be dry & boring & wondered how his students at the high school would stay awake listening to him.  Then I listened & I just love it! I can’t get enough of it!  Some things I can listen to while I’m doing other things, but not his program.  I’m transfixed, just like with Fr Riccardo. I have to stop whatever I’m doing & just listen.  Sometimes I’m bent over my radio, listening.  I’d love to meet his wife to tell her what a gift he & this program are to me.”

Allison M.

“Please thank Marcus so very much for his talk on the Marriage Covenant and the Mass. I am dancing, rejoicing, and crying in thanksgiving to Our Lord. I have been discussing this for two weeks without giving the answers so those who are asking these questions about how the Marriage Ceremony, the Mass, and the New Covenant come together so they can dig themselves. But to HEAR it from a Brother in Christ so beautifully presented, I can't tell you how happy I am. I am dancing!!! I am rejoicing!!! I am praising GOD, who has answered my prayer. Marcus' talk is so very beautiful!!! It takes your breath away!!! You cannot listen without rejoicing, without weeping, without dancing in thanksgiving to Our God. I wish you could present this talk on Ave Maria Radio every day!!! God bless you Marcus and thank you so much!!!”

Robin R.

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